Friday 27 March 2015


Topic 5 : Microbial Interactions

Assalamualaikum and hello all!!!!!. 
This week we only have one class for microbial ecology.. sobs sobs~ hehe

THURSDAY, 26 March 2015....Before we start our lecturer ask us to go to the link and each of us must share an information about our topic today which is the Microbial interaction. Unfortunately, me and Aina could not get the internet access therefore we borrow Aisya phone to share what we have found one microbial interaction.

This is what we share in the padlet. Its about the commensalism interaction of microorganism with host (human).

After that, we discuss about our SCL on Life Without Microbe. Its gonna be like an event in our faculty and all of us are the involve. I'm as a treasurer $_$ huhu.. This event will be held on 21th of Mei 2015. 

Continue our lecture on microbial interactions. So basically microbial interactions is about interaction of microorganism in the ecosystem and to differentiate the type of microbial interaction within the ecosystem. There are three types of microbial interaction which are endosymbiont, ectosymbiont and symbiont.

the summary of what I learnt from Thursday lecture.

We had only 15 minutes lecture but we got full of information and the overview on what we gonna learnt on the next week. That's all ^_^

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