Thursday 23 April 2015

week 8

Assalamualaikum and hey everyone!!!!

This week we are studies on the topic about the Atmospheric habitat. The same topic with my Thinglink ( and I found that there are many things that I didn't know yet. Personally I really like on the atmosphere because there are many microorganisms in it which we cannot see with our naked eyes. From what I learnt atmosphere consist of 6 region Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere and Ionosphere.  Before the class start, we must do an exercise provided by one of the groups in our class. The video is very nice and gives me more understanding in this topic. This topic is really interesting because I got to know one beneficial and awesome bacteria which is can turn water into an ice. This ice nucleating bacteria is Pseudomonas syringae. For Friday, we go into the Human Body Ecosystem. Like usual before coming to the class we must do an online exercise provided by a group that have been choosen that topic. I like the way their presenting the quizzes, its interesting and doesn't look boring.. In the class, we only go through a bit on this topic and will be continued next week. That's all from me. ^_^

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