Thursday 11 June 2015

week 12

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!!!

We just finish Life Without Microbe event!!!!, feeling very grateful and relief  because finally we have finished this big event. It's very awesome and I think we should do it again. From this event, we got to know how to handle a big event in the future. My part is to handle and keep the receipt for this event and pass it to Dr Wan. For me when we are going to make an event to come true and run smoothly everyone should give a good cooperation and just do whatever we can do and help and I can see it in this program. Everyone show a good cooperation and very helpful. 

We invite students of form 4 and form 5, from SMK Warisan Puteri. They arrive UPM at 9 o'clock and its a little bit messy in the morning because we haven't finished decorate and put a poster yet  but thank God it run smoothly after that. In the hall, we do a very interesting activities with the student and I became the facilitator with Aina for my group. Our group named Bacillus cereus. Aina and I choose this name because we want them to be serious doing all the activities..hehe..During the event there only one thing that I think it is wrong which time when the first year students for biocell and biochemistry come in and asking us question without a proper way to approach and we are very busy at that time. Sorry to them because I'm busy with my new sisters and brothers at that time. I think that's all from me. I'm having a great semester with Dr Wan and all of my classmate. Thank you for that. 

Last but not least, this is my extraordinary team!! ^_^

Saturday 16 May 2015

week 11

Assalamualaikum and hello !!!

So as you can see this is a week 11 where this week I have a lot of work to do and busiest week ever. This week in microbial ecology class we have learnt on two topic which is food spoilage and waste water. Both topics are interesting but for me, I have more interest on food spoilage. This is because I can be more alert on what should I take and what I should not take. This week class is fun and a little bit relax because we do a lot of activities such as do a crossword, quizzes and presentation from the waste water group instead of just having a lecture. Even though we have a little bit network problem while doing the quizzes, it not the obstacle for us to finish it. I have a lot of fun in this week class. I want to say sorry to Dr. Wan because I didn't go to class on Thursday morning because I'm feeling unwell on that day. Okay, that's all from me for this week. Can't wait for next week because we will have our first big event together with all of my classmate. Hope everything will run smoothly.

Thursday 7 May 2015

week 10

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone we meet again in week 10. ^_^

In this week, we have continued our lesson on the topic of Human microbial ecology. We continue at the subtopic of pathogenesis of pathogen. There are 5 sequence, first is Entry, then specific adherence, third is the invasion, fourth is on the colonization and growth and finally is the host damage. For me, this topic is quite challenging because we need to do lot of memorization such as memorize the name of microorganism in a specific place and also needs to differentiate between the toxins and so on but I like to discover and learnt about this topic because from it I got to know what kind of bacteria can be found on my skin, mucous membrane, gastrointestinal track and also in my mouth. Then, we discuss in what topic that gonna be in our test 2. Its is very helpful for me. That's all from me for this week. Thank you for spending your time reading my blog.

Monday 4 May 2015

week 9

Assalamualaikum and hye this week we learnt about the Human Microbiome. In this topic, we learnt about the ecosystem in the human body and we also learnt on the differences between the normal flora and pathogenic microbe. For me I think this topic is interesting but not interesting as atmosphere :). The flipped classroom that has been prepared for us is really creative and informative especially the infographic that they make. Everything is okay for this week. That's all from me thank you for spending your time reading my blog.

Thursday 23 April 2015

week 8

Assalamualaikum and hey everyone!!!!

This week we are studies on the topic about the Atmospheric habitat. The same topic with my Thinglink ( and I found that there are many things that I didn't know yet. Personally I really like on the atmosphere because there are many microorganisms in it which we cannot see with our naked eyes. From what I learnt atmosphere consist of 6 region Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere and Ionosphere.  Before the class start, we must do an exercise provided by one of the groups in our class. The video is very nice and gives me more understanding in this topic. This topic is really interesting because I got to know one beneficial and awesome bacteria which is can turn water into an ice. This ice nucleating bacteria is Pseudomonas syringae. For Friday, we go into the Human Body Ecosystem. Like usual before coming to the class we must do an online exercise provided by a group that have been choosen that topic. I like the way their presenting the quizzes, its interesting and doesn't look boring.. In the class, we only go through a bit on this topic and will be continued next week. That's all from me. ^_^

Friday 10 April 2015

Week 7

Assalamualaikum !!! we meet again in week 7.

For this week we continue our lecture on the Microorganism in the Terrestrial Ecosystem. There are 4 types of microbe plant interactions which is epiphytes( microbes that live on the surface of plants), endophytes(microbes that colonize internal plant tissues), some microbes live in the aboveground and also some microbes that inhibit below ground plant tissue.

The role of microbes in Rhizosphere and Rhizoplane(surface of root)
  • labile source of nutrients, creating microbial loop
  • synthesis and degradation of organic matter
  • promote plant growth
  • associate in nitrogen fixation

Microbial loop
  • a mutualistic plant-associations 
  • there are two types of mychorrhizae association which is endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae.
  • important to plant

soil population - protozoa
3 general function of soil protozoa
  1. Mineralizing nutrients
  2. Regulating bacteria populations
  3. Food source

Next, we study on the Hydrosphere. Before we go for a lecture on Thursday, we must do some exercise that has been provided by group 4. 

Here are the exercise that we do:

Explanation in thinglink. Very creative!!!

They even make a mind map for us. Thank you
Then, we do a crossword and its really challenging.
Hydrosphere also part of microbial habitat. Two types of microorganism can be found are autochthonous (indigenous) and allochthonous (foreign). The important physical factor in Hydrosphere is dissolved oxygen content, temperature, pH and also light penetration.

  1. light - determine the rate of photosynthesis
  2. temperature - determine by the latitude and weather condition, large body water will be more stable in temperature.
  3. pressure - important in ocean, increases 1 atm with each 10 m in depth.
  4. nutrient - varies in ocean 
  5. dissolved gas - oxygen (for aerobic) & carbon dioxide (for photosynthetic process)

Here I include the video on how eutrophication can occur hope it useful.. ^_^

Salt marshes, its unlike the estuaries it lack of freshwater input from a single river. Salt marsh ecosystems can be modeled in Winogradsky columns.

Thats all from me..hehe 

Saturday 4 April 2015

week 6

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone!!!!

Now it's already week 6!! for the Monday class we study on the topic of Microbial Interactions. We finish up this topic on Monday.

This the overall and basic knowledge that we should know about every interaction around us. After finishing the lecture we have a quiz on this topic. So Dr. Wan give us 9 question and answer it on the spot.

Before we start our class on Thursday, we do a flipped classroom activities on Popplet and VoiceThread. Thanks to group 4 who provide us with this interesting learning tools for this week. Its very helpful, you can learnt and hear the lecture while doing something else like cleaning up your room or something else. They already provide us a mind map in popplet and explained it more detail in the VoiceThread.

mindmap in the popplet

Flipped classroom in VoiceThread

For the next day which is Thursday, we started new topic on Microorganism in terrestrial ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystem also known as the Lithosphere. The most important lithosphere is the soil. Soil contained of various type of organic and inorganic components. Soil is a microbial habitat and it is a very complex and contain large variety of habitats in it. As a result microbial diversity in soils is greater than in the aquatic diversity. Soil consist of 4 different layer which is the Topsoil, subsoil, parent soil and bedrock.

The soil layer.

The soil organic Matter (SOM) is the one that would retained the soil nutrients, maintain the soil structure, helps in hold the water for plant use and the level of SOM is depending on the environment conditions and agricultural management practices. There are two categories of soil which is mineral soil and organic soil.

Physicochemical condition which would affect the microbial populations
  1. surface
  2. water (moisture)
  3. temperature
  4. acidity and alkalinity
  5. soil atmosphere

After finish the lecture we must sit in a group for a group work. We must find what possible microorganism may have in the different layer of soil and submit it in the blendspace
Thats all.. ^_^