Saturday, 4 April 2015

week 6

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone!!!!

Now it's already week 6!! for the Monday class we study on the topic of Microbial Interactions. We finish up this topic on Monday.

This the overall and basic knowledge that we should know about every interaction around us. After finishing the lecture we have a quiz on this topic. So Dr. Wan give us 9 question and answer it on the spot.

Before we start our class on Thursday, we do a flipped classroom activities on Popplet and VoiceThread. Thanks to group 4 who provide us with this interesting learning tools for this week. Its very helpful, you can learnt and hear the lecture while doing something else like cleaning up your room or something else. They already provide us a mind map in popplet and explained it more detail in the VoiceThread.

mindmap in the popplet

Flipped classroom in VoiceThread

For the next day which is Thursday, we started new topic on Microorganism in terrestrial ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystem also known as the Lithosphere. The most important lithosphere is the soil. Soil contained of various type of organic and inorganic components. Soil is a microbial habitat and it is a very complex and contain large variety of habitats in it. As a result microbial diversity in soils is greater than in the aquatic diversity. Soil consist of 4 different layer which is the Topsoil, subsoil, parent soil and bedrock.

The soil layer.

The soil organic Matter (SOM) is the one that would retained the soil nutrients, maintain the soil structure, helps in hold the water for plant use and the level of SOM is depending on the environment conditions and agricultural management practices. There are two categories of soil which is mineral soil and organic soil.

Physicochemical condition which would affect the microbial populations
  1. surface
  2. water (moisture)
  3. temperature
  4. acidity and alkalinity
  5. soil atmosphere

After finish the lecture we must sit in a group for a group work. We must find what possible microorganism may have in the different layer of soil and submit it in the blendspace
Thats all.. ^_^

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