Thursday 7 May 2015

week 10

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone we meet again in week 10. ^_^

In this week, we have continued our lesson on the topic of Human microbial ecology. We continue at the subtopic of pathogenesis of pathogen. There are 5 sequence, first is Entry, then specific adherence, third is the invasion, fourth is on the colonization and growth and finally is the host damage. For me, this topic is quite challenging because we need to do lot of memorization such as memorize the name of microorganism in a specific place and also needs to differentiate between the toxins and so on but I like to discover and learnt about this topic because from it I got to know what kind of bacteria can be found on my skin, mucous membrane, gastrointestinal track and also in my mouth. Then, we discuss in what topic that gonna be in our test 2. Its is very helpful for me. That's all from me for this week. Thank you for spending your time reading my blog.

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