Saturday 16 May 2015

week 11

Assalamualaikum and hello !!!

So as you can see this is a week 11 where this week I have a lot of work to do and busiest week ever. This week in microbial ecology class we have learnt on two topic which is food spoilage and waste water. Both topics are interesting but for me, I have more interest on food spoilage. This is because I can be more alert on what should I take and what I should not take. This week class is fun and a little bit relax because we do a lot of activities such as do a crossword, quizzes and presentation from the waste water group instead of just having a lecture. Even though we have a little bit network problem while doing the quizzes, it not the obstacle for us to finish it. I have a lot of fun in this week class. I want to say sorry to Dr. Wan because I didn't go to class on Thursday morning because I'm feeling unwell on that day. Okay, that's all from me for this week. Can't wait for next week because we will have our first big event together with all of my classmate. Hope everything will run smoothly.

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